Montgomery County
Lead Contact Name:
Cheryl Booker-Malcolm
(301) 422-3858
School District/County:
Montgomery County
School District/County
Montgomery County
School Name (if applicable)
Takoma Academy Preparatory School
What kind of programming are you looking for?
Tutoring, Science/STEM, Arts, Cultural Awareness, Social-Emotional Learning, Mentoring, Physical Activity/Exercise
How many children are you hoping to serve this summer? 75
How many school sites do you hope to find partners for? 1
How many children are you hoping to provide afterschool programming for in 2021-2022 school year? 150
Does your district have a partnership directory or portal? No
- Please share the link if public:
- Uploaded file:
- Contact for partnership directory or portal if any:
Does your district have a process for selecting vendors for afterschool and summer programming? No
- Please share the link if public:
- Uploaded File:
Is your district considering requiring ESSA approval for us of federal recovery fund for afterschool and summer programming?
- Is there a dollar amount that triggers that requirement? What is the amount?:
Additional notes/comments: