Funding Opportunities

Governor's Grant's Office - GGO helps state agencies, local governments, and nonprofit organizations, find, win, and manage grants
Maryland Philanthropy Network - Members include more than 145 private and community foundations, donor advised funds, and corporations with strategic grantmaking programs. A full directory of grant makers, their funding ranges, deadlines, priorities, and ways to apply is available for purchase online.
Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE)
- MSDE Division of Early Learning manages the Child Care Scholarship Program which allows eligible families to receive subsidy for childcare with licensed providers.
- MSDE also manages several OST Focused Grant Programs:
- 21st Century Community Learning Centers
- LEAP (Learning in Extended Academic Programs)
- PSOE (Public School Opportunity Enhancement Grant Program)
Afterschool Alliance - Maintains a searchable funding database for opportunities for afterschool programs
Candid.Org - A one stop shop for funding opportunities and tools and resources around fundraising and grant writing. Candid is a merger of the Foundation Center and GuideStar.
Grantmakers for Education - Provides guidance to philanthropy on the latest trends and research in education
The Afterschool Corporation - TASC Maintains a searchable funding opportunities database (some entries may be focused on NY)